Friday, March 5, 2010

Some things men and women lie about

Sure, we walk around with those shiny halos on our heads and proclaim our unblemished honesty to the world around us. But the obvious fact is, even the greatest personalities or saints of history has had their share of the 'Pinocchio syndrome' and goes thousands of years back to Adam and Eve that kind of started it all. Yet the issue here are the interesting topics the 'Adams' and 'Eves' of today choose to be- well, quite deceitful about.....if they can get away with it!

Liar, liar

Age - Both males and females alike just despise it when asked about their age, especially when you've passed the 20's mark. Hate to admit it but i'm one of those who wriggle with discomfort when i'm about to reveal my true age-which usually doesn't happen but i'm working on it. We all want to remain as youthful as possible and avoid being categorized as one of the 'oldies.'

Height - I've had a colleague once way back who had this chat mate that stated her height was 5'4 and a half. When they finally met face to face, she was actually shorter by two and a half inches!
This goes a lot to prove that a lack of self esteem plays a part when height issues are tackled, even when the person is in front of you and its clearly evident if they're bluffing or not. A 'tall' tale is highly preferable.

Income - The status symbol. Women, especially men elevate themselves by lying about their salary and sometimes certain benefits and privileges associated with it. Unreal quotations of how much we make are expected, fearing ridicule during a conversation. And sometimes we dudes go to the extent on boasting about our spending power, how much we spend on stuff like the latest gadgetry, forms of entertainment, barhopping or clothes. Blah-blah-blah....

Sexual encounters/know-how - For most males, its a numbers game. We have this twisted concept of being a real man when we bluff about the swarm of gorgeous women we've slept with and add to that, the creative techniques and sexual wizardry to complete bragging rights. But in reality, these so called hunks have minimal experience or even zilch. It just makes them look superior in a way, but for exactly how long?

For the women, it's quite the opposite. They'll lessen the numbers. Or even say that they've never slept with a guy. Yup, females are accustomed to a little decency in their stories, at least for some who prefer to keep it to themselves. For us guys who who are linked to these species of chicks, then there's something to worry about! I prefer honesty no matter the pain than a novel of white lies.

IQ - When a simple discussion suddenly turns intellectual, don't you just love it when some of us dudes or even dudettes exert tremendous effort on our poor brain power to try to outshine the other participant? Even though we don't have a single clue on what the hell we're talking about, much less have a single clue on the issue itself! We just want to fit in, especially when the crowd we're mingling with are genuinely Einstein material.

There are also instances when we would lie about certain test scores or for example, being Mensa members due to outstanding results or above average academic achievements. Anything to get that prized approval from your peers. You can then sleep soundly at night.

Profession - This goes hand in hand with concocted info on income, in which some men and women don't take pride on what they actually do for a living. A female receptionist would alter her work title by saying that she's the boss's secretary. Believe me, i came across a chick like that once. Or some line cook make believing he's the sous chef. Big difference, isn't it? At least keep a safe distance from what your true profession really is. It would be ridiculous for the school janitor to fabricate being the school principal!

Bodily assets - I don't know if this holds true for all women because most of the time it's visible on their part. Like the size of their breasts. You'll know right away when some chick in front of you claims her bra size is 38/C.
Men on the other hand, take advantage of their concealed evidence and would brag about the size of that one eyed snake. They'd echo those statements over and over for those females to hear about their mammoth manhood which is beneficial, unless the chicks don't force you to go to bed with them later on. If you give in, then your teeny weeny would be the talk of the town.

Come clean

No matter who's craftier between the males and females, we all strive for recognition and acceptance, a sense of belonging, a compliance to the exaggerated standards of society. Who doesn't want to fit in, who doesn't want to blend in with the popular masses? Rejection and ridicule is greatly feared but the thing is, how long can you keep up with the half truths or the coated products of your untamed tongue? Whether we admit it or not, lies are short lived and have their consequences. If we want to save ourselves from real embarrassment and mockery then the best antidote is to just be ourselves. It's a tough job being honest but it'll reap great benefits whichever way we put it. End of tale.


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